Pure Jatropha Oil for Power Generation on Floreana IslandlGalapagos: Four Years Experience on Engine Operation and Fuel Quality
Pure Jatropha Oil for Power Generation on Floreana IslandlGalapagos: Four Years Experience on Engine Operation and Fuel Quality
In the small country of Ecuador, all environmental risks of the production and consumption of fossil fuels can be observed by damages through oil exploration in the amazonite rainforest and two tank ship accidents close by Galapagos Islands causing death of 10,000 marine iguanas and other species. Now Ecuador plans to replace all environmentally dangerous diesel generators from all four inhabited Galapagos Islands by a hybrid system using 100% renewable energy for electricity production. Since 2010 a hybrid system of two Jatropha oil generators with an electrical power of 69 kW (kWel) and a photovoltaic plant with an electrical peak power of 21 kW (kWpeak) is successfully providing electricity from renewable energy for inhabitants and tourists of Floreana Island. After more than 15.000 engine operation hours of each engine there is no engine defect. For fuel supply, the so-called "Living Fence" concept collecting Jatropha seeds by farmers and families from already existing 6,000 km hedges on Ecuadorian mainland was chosen to comply with highest biofuel sustainability standards. The Jatropha oil is produced in a decentralized so-called CompacTropha oil mill container following the ambitious German fuel quality standard DIN51605. Since 2010 Floreana project successfully demonstrates that it is possible to replace diesel gen sets by generators fueled with pure Jatropha oil from decentralized sustainable production.
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