This papaer introduces the civil aviation Very High Frequency(VHF) Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System ( ACARS ) communication system and the air-ground communication management using the ACARSIP handling mechanism based on the civil aviation VHF ACARS communica-tion system. The ACARS communication messages handling mechanism based on DSP and FPGA is used in the civil aviation VHF ACARS communication system, and the design and implementation of up-link signal processing, down-link signal processing, Carry Sense Multiple Access( CSMA) mechanism, chan-nel quality detecting, subnet data statistics and audit pattern is described. Finally, the ACARS communi-cation messages handling mechanism is analyzed and summarized, and its application future is pointed out. This scheme has been applied in china’s first civil aviation ACARS data-communication system, and a sta-ble communication quality of 100% correct rate of receiving is achived as communicating with the interna-tional civil aviation radio.
Telecommunication Engineering