
影响我国个人捐赠者捐赠决策过程的心理机制——基于情感适应理论的实证研究 被引量:45

The Mechanism Affecting Donation Decision Making Process:An Emotional Adaptation Perspective
摘要 基于帮助决策模型和情感适应理论,本研究建立了我国个人捐赠者的捐赠决策模型,并通过发放全国性问卷进行数据搜集,验证了刺激→情感→动机→意向这一动态心理机制。研究结果显示我国个人捐赠行为是一个动态的心理决策过程,其中由公益组织传递的组织形象和广告诉求经过了潜在捐赠人的评价而产生了不同的情感状态,该情感状态诱发利己动机或者利他动机继而影响其捐赠意愿。此外,个人捐赠经历与情感状态交互作用于动机并对捐赠意愿产生影响,即在个人捐赠经历多的情况下,由感知组织形象和广告诉求评价所引发的情感对于捐赠意愿的影响较小;而个人捐赠经历少的情况下,该情感对捐赠意愿的影响较大。 Based on the emotion adaptation theory and the model of helping behavior, this study proposes a model of do-nation decision making process and tests it by a nation-wide sample of 1853 people. The results reveal that donation de-cision making process is a dynamic mechanism in which perceived organization image and advertising appeals appraisals produce emotional responses among the potential donors, emotions subsequently affect donation intention, however, via the mediating role of donation motivation. Besides, previous donation experience is found to mediatedly moderate the de-cision process by an interation effect with emotions on motivation. Namely, when the potential donor has more previous donation experiences, the effect of emotions on motivation and intension attenuates, visa versa. Theoretial and manageri-al contributions are addressed.
作者 蒋晶
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期44-57,共14页 China Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(编号:08CJY007)
关键词 帮助行为 捐赠决策过程模型 情感 动机 捐赠意愿 个人捐赠经历 helping behavior donation decision making process emotion motivation donation intention previous do-nation experience
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