用溶液交换法研究了从猪粪、稻草和紫云英 3种有机肥中提取的溶解性有机质对水稻生长及其吸收养分的影响 .结果表明 ,3种来源不同的溶解性有机质均显著促进了水稻根系及茎叶的生长 ,提高了水稻的分蘖数 .3种溶解性有机分解液均显著提高根系和茎叶 Fe质量分数 ,对 Cu质量分数的影响不显著 ,对 Zn和 Mn质量分数有一定影响 。
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from pig manure, rice straw and Chinese milkvetch on rice growth and its uptake of elements with solution exchange method. It was discovered that the three kinds of DOM significantly accelerated the growth of rice roots and shoots and improved the tillers. Their solution significantly increased the concentration of Fe in rice roots and shoots but had insignificant effects on the content of Cu, and their effects on the concentration of Zn and Mn, were complicated.
Journal of Fujian Agricultural University