一年级大学生的学习心理有自己的特点 ,主要表现在 :1、学习方式的不适应性 ;2、学习目的的多元性 ;3、学习动机的多层次性 ;4、学习态度的不稳定性。形成这些特点的原因是复杂的 ,主要有 :1、学习环境骤变 ;2、专业情绪困扰 ;3、中学阶段学习方式和管理方式产生的负效应 ;4、社会因素的影响 ;5、学校教育引导不及时。高校应切实分析和把握一年级大学生的学习心理 ,帮助学生认识大学学习特点 ,确立自主学习观 ,培养专业兴趣 ,增强成就动机 ,培养健康的学习心理。
The Learning psychology of the freshmen has its own features,which can be expressed as follows:1.the inadaptability in the learning method:2.the plurality of the learning purpose;3.the multi-layer of the learning motivation;and 4.the instability of the learning attitude.The causes to these features are complex,which mainly include:1.the sudden change of the learning surroundings;2.the perplexity of the emotion toward specialty;3.the side-effect of the learning and managing patterns which are left over the from the middle-school;4.the influence of the social factors;5.the impromptus in the instruction from the university.The authoritative organs of the university should make an analysis organs of the university should make an analysis of the learning psychology of the freshmen and provide them with all kinds of help possible,so as to make the students be aware of the features of college learning,establish the independent study outlook,develop the interest to the specialty,strengthen the achievement motivation and develop the healthy learning psychology.
Journal of Kaifeng University