目的 综合定量评价大气污染的健康危害。方法 以国际上通用的危险度评价方法为基础 ,结合大气污染物每增高一单位所产生的健康损失对大气污染物浓度变化所致的健康影响进行定量评估。结果 提出了大气污染物健康危险度评价流程图 ,以及估计由大气污染造成的超死亡数或超病例数的计算公式。结论 采用本方法可对我国大气污染的健康危害做出时空分布的比较分析 ,也可对大气污染改善措施的优先选用和效果作出健康效益的评定 ,并可在此基础上进一步进行经济损失 -效益分析。
Objective To get comprehensive and quantitative evaluation of the impact of ambient air pollution on human health Methods The approach recommended in this paper is a quantitative estimate on the health impact from exposure to air pollutants based on the internationally accepted quantitative risk assessment framework and the per unit increase in mortality or morbidity due to per unit increase of air pollutants levels Results A schematic diagram of health based risk assessment on air pollutants is presented.Calculation for excess deaths and excess disease cases is also provided Conclusion This approach could be used for comparing the health effects associated with exposure to air pollutants of various Chinese cities in different time periods and is also useful in the priority setting of air pollution intervention and improvement measures and health based cost benefit analysis
Journal of Environment and Health