活水公园人工湿地塘床系统栽培有菖蒲、芦苇、茭白、香蒲、伞草、马蹄莲、凤眼莲、浮萍、睡莲等近 30种适合本地人工湿地塘床系统种植的湿地植物 ,并由此形成含有高、低等生物的生物群落 。
The constructed wetland pond-bed system of Living Water Garedn in Chengdu is a field scale ,In the field scale,some wetland plants (calamus,reed,cattail,wild rice stem,Cyoerus alternifokius ,Common calla,water hyacinth,duckweed and water lily etc) which are suitable for local constructed wetland pond-bed systems have been screened.The constructed wetland pond-bed system is an integrated ecosystem with the function of purifying wastewater that is made of variant wetland cells and variant plants,animals,microoganisms and the environment around.Accordingly,the constructed wetland pond-bed system is becoming an ecoloical fiter for wastewater treatment.
Chongqing Environmental Science