新闻策划是当今新闻媒体之间在抢占市场的激烈竞争中一个起决定性作用的因素 ,是新闻报道工作中追求最佳效果的创造性思维活动。编辑的新闻策划意识具有创新性和科学性、普遍性和典型性、系统性和动态性的特征。编辑的新闻策划意识必须遵循新闻事实第一的原则、连续性的原则、创造性的原则和科学性的原则。从新闻实践来看 ,新闻策划的意识表达可分为六个类型 ,即战役式策划、剥笋式策划、提纲式策划、点子式策划。
News Planning is a decisive factor in the gruelling competition for racing to control news marketplaces among agencies nowadays, and also a kind of creative action of thinking. The awareness of editors' news planning has the features of creativity, universality, typicality, systematicness, scientific nature and dynamic characteristic and therefore news planning should be carried out according to the principles of realiby first, continuity, creativity and scientific nature. Judged from the practice, news planning can be divided into six types: the type of compaign, peeling-off, outline, pointer, tracking-down and using-for-reference.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College