作者对 2 49名 6 0~ 92岁老年人的 5 5 2 7颗牙齿的磨损情况进行调查和分析 ,以了解牙齿的磨损程度对牙齿的影响 ,为临床的治疗提供参考。结果表明 ,调查组老年人的牙齿磨损率达到 10 0 % ,轻度磨损率为5 4.6 % ,重度磨损率为 45 .4%。约有 16 %的牙齿有症状 ,其中牙本质过敏是最常见的。对有症状的牙齿进行对症治疗 ,对过度磨损的牙齿视情况进行修复治疗 ,制作塑料金属混合垫 ,进行重建 ,可减轻症状 。
To investigate the influence of the extent of attrition of teeth in the elderly and to provide a basis for the treatment, 5 527 teeth of 249 elderly, aged from 60 to 92 years, were examined. The results indicated that the occurrence rate of attrition was 100%, 54.6% of them was slight and 45.4% of them was severe. About 16% of them showed symptoms, and hypersensitivity of teeth was the most common one. The authors tried to individualize the treatment. The teeth with severe attrition were repaired by making plastic-metal plate and occlusive rehabilitation. After treatment all patients′ symptoms were resolved, and masticatory efficiency was improved.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army