Contop工艺利用了旋涡熔炼和顶吹技术两种技术 ,旋涡熔炼是一种强化熔炼 ,旋涡室内温度高 ,热强度大 ,物料停留时间短 ,可以处理各种复杂原料。顶吹技术用于处理含铜炉渣 ,反应气氛易于控制 ,传质和传热速度快。美国ElPaso冶炼厂自 1993年开始应用该技术 ,生产实践证明Contop工艺已经成熟。
Contop process composites two processes of the cyclone smelting and the top blow.The former is a kind of strengthen smelting which temperature in its cyclone reactors is high, heat is in great strength, remaining charge is in a short time,and various complex raw materials can be disposed by it.The latter can be used to treat slag containing copper.Its reacting atmosphere can be controlled easily .The heat and the material transmitting is speedy. The process has been utilized in El Paso USA since 1993 and is verified that it comes to mature.
Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy