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5Walker D, Futers S, Acosta A M. Strctural abnomalities do not explain the early functional nomalisties in the peripheral nerves of strep - tozocin diabetic rat. J Anat,1999,195(3) :419- 427.
7Jorneskog G, Brimsar K, Fagrell B. Skin cappliary circulation severely impalredin toes of patients with IDDM, with and without lato diaboctic complication. Diabotologia. 1995, 38: 474.
8Walker D,Furers S,Acosta A M. Strctural abnomalities do not explain the early functional nomalisties in the peripheral nerves of Strep - tozocin diabetic rat. J Anat. 1999, 195(3) : 419 -427.
10Jomeskog G, Bnimsar K, Fagrell B. Skin cappliary circulation severely impaired in toes of patients with IDDM, with and without late diabetic eom Plieation [ J ]. Diabetologia, 1995,38:474.