选用杉木分布带中的广西梧州、广东信宣、广西贺县、贵州锦屏、湖南会同、福建沙县、安徽休宁和湖北咸宁等八个种源。分别测定了各种源的单株总叶面积、叶质重、叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值、净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、光合生产率、光饱和点、光补偿点,C0_2补偿点、光呼吸及有关指标的日进程和季节进程等。结果表明,不同种源杉木的光合性状与生长量之间有一定的相关性和相对的遗传稳定性,优良种源的生理特点是具有较高的光饱和点、低的光补偿点和低CO_2补偿点以及较小的呼吸速率。 采用聚类分析方法,可将这八个种源杉木划分为四种不同的光合性状类型(这与杉木地理类型划分基本一致)。
The comparative study was made on the photosynthetic characters including total leaf area of per tree, specific leaf weight, chlorophyll content , chlorophyll a/b,net photo-synthetic rate, dark respiration rate, photosynthetic productivity (the product of net photosynthetic rate by total leaf area), light saturation point, light compensation point, CO2 compensation point as well as some of their diurnal and seasonal variation of eight provenances of Chinese Fir obtained from wuzhou, Guangxi; Xinyi, Guangdong; Hexian, Guangxi, Jinping, Guizhou , Huitong , Hunan; Shaxian, Fujian; Xiuning, Anhui and Xianning, Hubei under the conditions of the green-house and field from Feb. to. Doc. 1987.
It is shown that the photosynthetic characters of various provenances of Chinese Fir have a definite correlationship with their growth and have a relatively higher geneticstability. It is further observed that good provenances of Chinese Fir are often characterized by higher light saturation point, lower light compensation point and CO2 compensation point as well as less respiration rate.
The eight provenance of Chinese Fir may be classified into four groups according to these photosynthetic characters using cluster analysis ( This result coincides with hat in classification of geographycal types of Chinese Fir).
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry