目的 调查肾移植供、受者肝炎病毒及其他病毒感染和螺旋体感染的情况 ,研究其感染与移植术后人 /肾存活率的关系。方法 对供者及移植受者群进行乙型肝炎 (HBV )、丙型肝炎(HCV)、庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV)及巨细胞病毒 (CMV)、EB病毒、单纯庖疹病毒 (HSV)、艾滋病病毒(HIV)、梅毒螺旋体 (RPR)的调查。结果 36 1名供者中 ,感染HBV者 8.6 % ,感染HCV者 2 .5 % ,感染HGV者 0 .6 % ;2 31名供者中 ,CMV IgM阳性者 16 .9% ,EB IgM阳性者 11.7% ,HSV IgM阳性者16 .0 % ,HIV病毒携带者 1名 ,RPR IgM阳性者 2名。 30 0例移植受者中 ,HBV感染率为6 8.7% ,HCV感染率为 34.7% ,HBV合并HCV感染率为 2 5 .0 % ,随机选取其中 40例患者 ,其HGV感染率为 2 5 .0 % ,HGV合并HBV感染率为 2 5 .0 % ,HGV、HBV合并HCV感染率为 12 .5 % ,CMV IgM阳性者 49.0 % ,EB IgM阳性者32 .7% ,HSV IgM阳性者42 .0 % ,无HIV携带者及RPR IgM阳性者。
Objective To investigate the infection of hepatitis virus and spirochete in renal transplant donors and recipients to study the relationship between infection and human/kidney survival rate following renal transplantation. Methods A total of 361 donors and 300 recipients were investigated on infection of HBV, HCV, HGV, CMV, EBV, HSV, HIV and RPR. Results Of the 361 donors, 31 cases ( 8.6 ?%), 9 cases ( 2.5 ?%) and 2 cases ( 0.6 ?%) were found having HBV, HCV, HGV infection respectively. In the 231 recipients, the percentage of CMV, EBV, HSV, HIV and RPR carriers was 16.9 ?%, 11.7 ?%, 16.0 ?%, 0.4 ?% and 0.8 ?% respectively. Among the 300 grafting recipients, the infective rate of HBV, HCV and HBV plus HCV was 68.7 ?%, 34.7 ?% and 25.0 ?% respectively. Forty patients were randomly selected from the 300 patients, it was found that 10 ( 25.0 ?%) patients were positive for anti HGV, 10 ( 25.0 ?%) for HGV and HBV, 5 ( 12.5 ?%) for all HGV, HBV and HCV. The percentage of CMV, EBV, HSV, HIV, RPR carriers among the 300 recipients was 49.0 ?%, 32.7 ?%, 42.0 ?%, 0 and 0.3 ?% respectively. Conclusion Viral infectious status of the donors and recipients before operation might contribute to the occurrence of viral infection in the recipients after transplantation.
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation