目的 了解血清透明质酸 (HA)、Ⅲ型胶原N端肽 (PⅢNP)、层粘蛋白 (LN) 3项指标在肝硬化诊断中的作用。方法 采用放射免疫测定法 ,测定 2 38例肝硬化 ,6 4例肝癌伴肝硬化 ,42例肝癌 (不伴肝硬化 )病人血清HA、PⅢNP和LN。结果 肝硬化病人随着病情进展 ,HA和PⅢNP水平明显升高并有显著差异。LN亦呈升高趋势 ,但在不同程度的肝硬化病人中相差不显著。结论 在肝病尤其是肝硬化的实验诊断中 ,以上 3项细胞外间质 (ECM )指标的应用价值不同 ,HA升高最明显、最可靠。PⅢNP与肝硬化间亦有较好的相关性。LN的血清学检测对肝硬化诊断的作用在本研究中未能得到证实 ,有待于进一步探讨。
Objective To investigate further the significance of serum HA, P Ⅲ NP, LN in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Methods Radioimmunoassay were conducted, All reagents were derived from commercial kits. Results Serum HA level was well correlated with liver cirrhosis, in some degree reflecting the severity of the diseases, liver cancer alone contribute little to serum HA concentration. P Ⅲ NP also tended to increase was not as significant as HA. LN, although increased in liver cirrhosis, the changes were not marked in different stages of liver cirrhosis. Conclusion: Both HA and P Ⅲ NP are good serum markers for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Conclusion The value of LN determination in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis needs further investigation.
Shanghai Medical Journal
上海市医学重点课题发展基金资助!基金编号 :ZD990 0 1