利用黑河黑峪口水文站的长系列泥沙和径流实测资料,分别建立了黑河年输沙量和次暴雨输沙量的水沙关系,精度较高;同时,还对这两种水沙关系一些特殊点据的产生原因进行了深入分析。然后应用所建立的水沙关系对1996 年非点源污染水质水量监测中存在的泥沙施工影响问题进行了定量修正。
Both annual and single events sediment runoff relations are established on the basis of the long term records of sediment and discharge at Heiyukou Hydrological Station on Heihe River. At the same time, the causes of some isolated points in the relations are analyzed. Then, the established relations are used to correct construction impact on sediment concentration measured in 1996.