目的 :为了解我军部队人员口腔医疗的需要 ,探索口腔疾病发病规律和口腔医疗保健现状。方法 :将部队人员口腔医疗需要情况按需要后送医疗的程度分为四类 ,分别进行口腔健康检查、填写记录。结果 :共调查人数为 170 1人 ,共有 83.3%人需要按期后送口腔医疗 ,有 45 .6 %人需要及早后送口腔医疗 ,有 1.7%人需要紧急后送口腔医疗 ,有 7.4%人不需要任何后送口腔医疗。结论 :我军部队人员的口腔医疗需要十分普遍 ,口腔医疗任务也十分的艰巨。并提出改善口腔疾病医疗条件、加强口腔疾病预防工作。
Objective: To survey the require of oral health care in army personnel, the pathogenesis law of the oral cavity disease and the actuality of the oral cavity health care should been explored. Methods: According to medical evacuation support, the require of oral health care were classified into four degree, the examine of the oral cavity health care and filling in read in were separately done. Results:The data of 1 701 military persons were collected from four garrisons. The survey results showed 7.4% for oral health care, 83.3% for oral health care in regularly, 45.6% for oral health care in quickly, 1.4% for dental emergencies. Conclusions: These results was shown the require for the oral health care in the army personnel is very frequent, and the oral health care seen to account for a significant problem. We suggest that the condition of the oral health care is improved, the work of the oral health care is strengthened, the order of the oral health care is established.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
oral health care
medical evacuation support
require of treatment