本试验旨在研究复方中药制剂防制仔猪早期断奶应激综合症的效果。 6窝 2 1日龄仔猪 48头 ,随机分成 2组 ,每组 2 4头 ,每窝 4头。I组仔猪 2 1日龄时口服 2 0ml中药制剂 ,II组仔猪口服 2 0ml冷开水 ,每天 1次 ,连服 7d。所有试验仔猪均于 2 4日龄时断奶。结果表明 ,该中药制剂能促进断奶仔猪生长 ,降低腹泻率 ,提高PHAT -淋巴细胞转化率及白细胞吞噬功能 。
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effectiveness of compound Chinese medicine preparations on preventing early weaned stress syndrome of piglets. Forty-eight 21-day-old pigs from 6 litters were randomly divided into two groups, each group consisted of 24 piglets and 4 piglets were from each litter. At 21 day of age, the piglets in group I were infused orally with 20 ml of decoction of Chinese herbal medicine and the piglets in group Ⅱ with 20 ml of cold boiled water, and one time daily for 7 days. All piglets were weaned on 24th day. The results indicated that the compound Chinese medicine preparations could promote the weaned piglets growth, decrease diarrhea rate, increase PHA T-lymphocyte proliferation rate and macrophage activity, and effectively prevent early weaned stress syndrome of piglets.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
安徽省自然科学基金项目! (990 4 1 358)
安徽省教委科研项目!(99JL0 0 4 9)资助