在争办奥运会的竞争中, 悉尼以环境方面的优势取胜。2000 年奥运会的会址选建在悉尼附近的家树湾。过去这里曾是一片沼泽丛林, 先后作过采石场、垃圾堆放场等。1988 年已建成一个二世纪公园和州体育馆。在此基础上, 将建成奥林匹克公园, 提出“绿色奥运”的口号, 将奥运会场的建设与环境治理、环境保护相结合, 这一举措,
The environmental advantage of Sydney is regarded as a contributing factor in Sydney′s successful bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games.The Sydney 2000 Olympic site has been decided on Homebush Bay.There had been extensive wetlands and wlldlands around Homebush Bay before the Bicentennial Park and the State Sports Center were established there in 1988. When Sydney bid to host the Games, the State Sports Center was proposed to be the basis for the Olympic Games Venue.“Green Olympics” is now the slogan for all constructions at the Sydney 2000 Olymic site. The success of renewing Homebush Bay will make great contributions, not only to the Olympic Games but also to the environment.