根据遥感技术原理,对卫星遥感与四波段野外辐射计(EXOTECH-100美国)在麦蚜 灾 害监测中的使用情况进行了研究比较。结果表明,四波段野外辐射计具有很好的适用性。并 在此基础上,通过对四波段野外辐射计EXOTECH-100进行改造,自制了病虫害监测仪,在麦 蚜灾害遥感监测中成功使用,提高监测效率和测量的准确率。卫星遥感由于成本高、可用数 据有限,不便于在麦蚜灾害监测中应用。
Based on the theory of remote sensing technology, comparative studi es were carried out between the analysis of satellite remote sensing data and the application of the 4 wavelength infrared radiator (Model EXOTECH-100, made in U SA) on the monitoring of wheat aphid infestation. Results indicated that the 4 w avelength infrared radiator was applicable, a system appliance was developed thr ough the renovation of EXOTECH-100, and it was successfully used on the monitor ing of wheat aphid infestation with appropriate efficiency and accuracy. Results also showed that it was impractical for the monitoring of wheat aphid infestati on by the analysis of satellite remote sensing data due to the limitation on its accession and high costs.
Plant Protection Technology and Extension