广西自然保护区有 62处 ,总面积 1 64.64万公顷 ,占广西土地面积的 6.96%。保护区管理人员约 3730人 ,平均每个自然保护区约 49人 ,高于全国的 2 7.5人 ,其中专业技术人员仅占 7%~ 8% ,低于全国平均的 2 0 .8%。保护区的自然资源遭受破坏严重 ,基础建设滞后 ,边界不清 ,级别不清 ,经费来源没有保障 ,开展的多种经营效益差 ,缺乏社区共同管理。因此 ,广西自然保护区应该尽快划定四至边界 ,发放林权林地证 ,明确行政级别 ,保障经费来源 ,改革现有的管理机构 ,精减低素质人员 。
Sixty two natural reserves have been set up in Guangxi, covering 1 6 464 million hectares, accounting for 6 96% of the total area of Guangxi. The total staff is 3 730 persons, on average 49 persons in each reserve, higher than the national average level,27 5 persons per reserve.Among the staff,7% to 8% is technician, lower than the national average level 20 8%. Presently,natural resources was destroyed very seriously. The process of basic construction can't gain satisfying economic effects. Co administration of local community is weak. Therefore, the administration of natural reserves in Guangxi must be improved by taking measures in cluding drawing demarcation boundaries, granting certificates of forest rights and forest fields, defining the administrative classes, guaranteeing the fund input, reforming present administrative institutions, laying off unqualified staff, and launching suitable mixed farming projects and carrying out the co management of local community.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences