1 前言铅基金矿碳酸化转化冶炼工艺是我国科技工作者最近研究成功的一种金冶炼方法,具有过程简单、操作方便、无三废污染,金属回收率高、综合利用好等特点。铅基金矿碳酸化转化是把铅基金矿在碳酸铵或碳酸钠溶液中搅拌并通入空气,使方铅矿转化成碳酸铅,再用浮选或化学法,把铅提取出来,剩在矿石中的金、银等元素用常规方法提取。铅基金矿碳酸化转化是一个气液固三相反应,其中固相又分为亲水相和疏水相两种。此反应的传质过程十分复杂。早先的工作证明此反应以扩散控制为主,碳酸化转化率与反应器的种类及结构有关。国内外有关气液固三相反应器的文献很多,但适用铅基金矿碳酸化转化反应器的计算资料较少。
Conversion of PbS concentrate containing Au into PbCO_3 in air agitation reactor, turbine agitation reactor, propeller agitation reactor with and without baffles were compared experimentally. It was found that a lot of hydrophobic froth were formed and floated at the upper part of the reactor and sometimes overflowed out from the reactor during the conversion process in the first three reactors, resulting in very poor Pb conversion (%). The hydrophohic froth were not produced in the propeller agitation reactor without baffles and the Pb conversion(%) was more than 99%. It is available for the conversion of Pb concentrate containing Au into PbCO_3. The various parameteres of the reactor were tested. The optimum parameteres were obtained. D/d=3.5, H/C=7, the rotational frequency of the agitator being 1.2-1.3 times of the critical rotational frequency. The reactor thus designed may treat 50 Kg ore and is used in enlarged experiments of the conversion of PbS into PbCO_3 with very satisfactory results.