
小鼠生长期富铁干预对成年期铁代谢影响的初步研究 被引量:4

A Study on the Iron Metabolism in Adult Mice after Feeding Young Mice with Rich Iron
摘要 采用动物实验的方法 ,探讨幼鼠在生长期经受富铁干预后对成年期铁代谢的影响 ,以验证我们提出的假说 :儿童生长期缺铁是人类长期进化过程中形成的 ,不应采用铁强化的面粉或食品的方式干预。本实验的初步结果是 :1)小鼠生长期存在缺铁状态 ,但经富铁干预与否 ,两组成年鼠的血液学参数并无差异 ;2 )两组成年鼠同时转为贫铁饲养后 ,原富铁干预组发生贫血的时间反而早于对照组。 In order to identify a new hypothesis raised by the authors,an animal experiment is carried out.The hypothesis means that there is a physiological period of iron deficiency in children,which results from evolution and can make human adapt to various kinds of enviroment.Gaving children rich iron feeding make them reduce ability to take in iron and to transfere,and induce diseases in adult.The new hypothesis has been suported by this experiment.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第2期137-139,169,共4页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
关键词 铁缺乏 缺铁性贫血 生物进化 小鼠 富铁干预 铁代谢 生长期 成年期 iron deficiency iron deficiency anaemia evolution
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