学生对教师的“认同感” ,作为师生在相互交流过程中产生的一种情感传输效应 ,它在教育教学和良好师生关系的建立等方面都具有重要的作用。学生对教师认同与否主要取决于教师自身的素质 ,同时学生的崇师心理、受教感、向师性是这种认同感产生的心理基础 ,而其客观因素 ,则是学生身心发展的未成熟性所决定的。在教育教学中 ,教师应该充分珍惜学生认同教师的自然和心理倾向 ,努力提高自身的素质 ,争取最佳的教育效果。
The students 'sense of admitting' to their teachers, as an emotional transmission effect produced in communication, plays an important part in the establishment of both pedagogy teaching and favorable relationship between a teacher and his students. Whether students admit a teacher mainly depends on the teacher's own quality. The students' psychology of advocating a teacher, the sense of being taught and turning towards a teacher are also the psychological basis of the sense of admitting. Its subjective factors, on the other hand, are decided by students' not being physically and mentally mature. In pedagogy teaching, a teacher should fully value the students' natural and psychological tendency of admitting their teachers, and try to improve his own quality to achieve the best teaching results.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University