黟县位于皖南山区 ,是旅游景点之一 ,植物种类非常丰富。该文在广泛深入地调查、采集、整理、鉴定的基础上 ,研究了黟县野生植物资源的多样性、分布区类型和性质。本区有野生观赏植物 (种子植物 ) 117科、370属、82 1种 (变种、变型 ) ,其中乔木 178种、灌木 187种、藤本 111种、草本 365种。根据本区野生观赏植物资源的种类、区系成分和特征、开发与保护现状 。
Yi county is located in the south part of Anhui province, between, 117°38′~118°6′E and 29°47′~30°11′N, plant species are very rich. This paper presents the characteristics of species diversity, complex floristic elements' rare and endemic distribution types and the conservation and utilization of wild ornamental plant resources in Yi county. On the basis of wide and deep investigation, collection and sifting. There are 821 species (including varieties and forms) of wild ornamental plants belonging to 370 genera and 117 families. Among them, 178 species are trees, 187 are shrubs, 111 are vines and 365 herbs. The conservation and utilization of wild ornamental plant resources are discussed.
Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)