论述了植物篱在我国坡地开发中的地位、作用、选取标准及在坡地开发中的其它应用 ,认为植物篱应是控制川中丘陵遂宁组母质区水土流失的主要手段。
Slope lands are important part of the land resources in China. They are confronted with serious degradation problem resulting from peoplYe′s irrational activities and soil erosion . Sustainability of hilly lands depends on the successful soil and water conservation; and for that purpose terraces or forests are constructed. As comparing with terrace, the contour hedgerow technique has more advantages, such as decreasing and slowing down surface runoff greatly, controlling soil erosion, preserving side-slope land, forming bioterrace improving soil fertility, enhancing the stability of the slope lands. Attention should be paid to the selection of living hedgerow species for gaining better ecological and economic benefits. The hedgerow plants can be constructed into agriculture, forestry, agroforestry systems, etc. In South China, Vetiveria zizanioides, Paspalum notatum, Melinis minutiflora, Chrysopogo aciculatus, Tephrosia condida, Leucaena leucocephala, Amorpha fruticosa L., H.syriacus L., and V. negundo L. may be planted, mixing with Hemerocallis citrina Brinia, M. albal, C. sinensis, Toona sinensis Roem, Silphium perfoliatum, to ameliorate the degraded slopeland ecosystems. It is also suggested that planting living hedgerow will be crucial way to control soil erosion in middle Sichuan Basin.
Tropical Geography