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4张志馄 崔作林.纳米技术与纳米材料[M].北京:国防工业出版社,2000..
5Wang Q W,Tian G Y,Yang Z Y. Aspect of deep desilication with lime agent[J]. Light Metals, 1997.29-33
6Rayzman V. More complete desilication of aluminate solution is the key-factor to radical improvement of alumina refining [ J ]. Light Metals,1996. 109-114
9WANGQ W, TIAN G Y, YANGZ Y. Aspect of deep desilieation with lime agent [J]. Light Metals, 1997: 29- 33.
10Rayzman V. More complete desilication of aluminate solution is the key- factor to radical improvement of alumina refining [J]. Light Metals, 1996:109 114.