§1.引言 用位移法构造有限元单元刚度矩阵的常规方法如下:设单元为K,位移形函数空间是 ?(K)=Span{N_1,…,N_m}, (1.1)其中N_1,…,N_?是线性无关的多项式.
A new method of constructing stiffness matrices is presented. The method uses two setsof parameters, one of which consists of usual nodal parameters, like function values and theirderivatives at nodes of elements. The second set may be chosen some special type of linear func-tionals on the given finite element spece, such as integrals of functions and their derivativesalong edges of elements in order to meet certain convergence requirements. The method is very effective and easy to implement under the general framework offinite element analysis. Several unconventional plate elements, recently appeared in engineeringapplications, have been tested successfully using this new method and their convergence proper-ties are established in a unified mathematical way.
Mathematica Numerica Sinica