粤西廉江市谢鞋山的次生季雨林 47种树种按其综合优势比值大小分类共计有 1 6个植物群落类型 ,其中大多数是以荔枝为第一建群种的群丛组。受人为活动的频繁干扰 ,4种物种多样性指数值均较低 ,对这些群落加强就地保护具有重要的现实意义。
According to the plot survey results,there are 47 species in the arbor layer of the secondary monsoon rainforest of Mt.Royal Shoe,located in Lianjiang,western Guangdong,which consists 16 plant association groups,mainly with Litchi chinense as their first dominant species based on the summed dominance ratios of species in arbor layer.The mean vegetation's four kinds of plant species diversity indecies are pretty low in both arbor and shrub layers because of frequent interference of man's cutting activities,and so that the intensive in situ conservation are highly needed for those rare and endangered plant associations and species diversity.
Forestry Science & Technology