缩短产品开发时间和提高设计质量需要采用正确的产品开发方法 ,产品开发方法与产品结构有密切关系。介绍了产品开发流程再造方法的基本概念 ,重点分析了基于设计结构矩阵 (DSM )的产品开发过程建模方法 ,利用DSM描述了产品的设计结构 ,从信息依赖的角度研究了产品开发活动的聚类方法和步骤 ,并运用于汽车产品开发流程再造。实践证明这种方法有力地支持了产品开发流程再造 。
Concurrent product development helps to shorten deve lo pment time. The paper introduces the implementation of concurrent product develo pment and a method of process modeling with design structure matrix(DSM). The DS M describes the product design structure clearly and groups the development acti vities in light of information dependence, which forms the efficient work team. The paper proves that the method supports concurrent engineering and speeds prod uct development.
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9975 0 89)