对常用的系统分析方法进行了比较 ,提出了利用面向对象方法中的对象模型技术 (OML)对CAPP系统进行分析和设计 ,并把得到的对象模型、动态模型和功能模型直接映射到真实CAPP系统的开发过程中 ,保证了分析结果的一致性和软件的模块化、易理解性、易修改性、易维护性和重用性。
This paper illustrates the common methods of the system analysis, anal yzes and develops the CAPP system with the help of Object Model Technology. The object model, dynamic model and functional model in the process of analysis are of modularization, comprehension, modification, maintenance and reuse. It gives the detail about utilization and realization of OMT by the example.
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering
"8 6 3"计划资助项目 ( 86 3- 51 1 - 91 0 - 0 43- 0 3)