1996年 ,杨春时、宋剑华发表文章 ,对已被普遍接受的关于 2 0世纪中国文学性质是现代性的观点提出质疑。他们认为 ,2 0世纪中国文学“只具有近代性 ,而不具备现代性”。由此在文学理论界引发了一场历时约两年的关于“现代文学”性质的讨论。随着思想文化界现代性反思的全面展开 ,对“现代文学”性质的讨论也发展为对“文学现代性”进行质疑和反思 。
In 1996, Chun shi, Yang and Jian hua, Song published their article to question the popular accepted view of the Modernity of Chinese Literature, and pointed out that Chinese Literature in 20 century can but only have “Pre modernity”, not “Modernity”. Hence a two year discussion on the nature of “Modern Literature” was brought on. Following the fully operating of Modernity review in cultural and academic circles, the discussion was developed into the questioning and review of “Literary Modernity” and “Modernity of Literary Theory”.
Journal of Harbin University