通过那达勐水库泄洪 (兼灌溉、发电 )隧洞在运行中钢衬破坏机理的分析和探讨 ,提出了在设计压力遂洞时 ,除考虑抗外压稳定若干因素要求以外 ,还必须考虑洞内流速对钢衬产生的振动 ,当钢衬振动与地下水压力共同作用超过钢衬抵抗外压能力时 。
Analysis and study of the reasons of the plate steel liner broken within the tunnel running for flooding (power and irrigation) on Nadameng reservoir. The plate steel liner will be broken by the effect of the vibration and underground water. It is necessary that the vibration of the plate steel liner must be treaded seriously by the flooding velocity affects, when the this kind of the tunnel is designed, it is not enough that the orders of the various factors, on press resistance from the plate steel liner, is only designed.
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University