传统的森林资源调查是一项费时、费力 ,需大量经费的工作。 2 0世纪 70年代末 ,遥感技术被引入中国。以中国林科院为主的一批林业科学工作者 ,积极将其应用于森林资源调查工作 ,特别是森林蓄积量的估测。研究了比值项的作用 ,确定用定量因子和定性因子联合估测森林蓄积量多元估计方程的形式 ,以及在中国不同气候带的应用。指出遥感调查方法比传统方法节约经费 1/3~ 1/2。近年来 ,用近代统计学和非参数方法进行了新的探索和深入研究 ,解决了一些在林业资源调查中应用遥感技术的重要问题 。
Traditional forest resources inventory is a hard mission, which needs much time, work and money. At the end of 1970s, remote sensing technology was introduced into China and has been used since then in the activities of forest resource inventory, especially in estimating forest stock volume.they include: Estimating volume stock of forest using quantitative value and qualitative factors of satellite data; Application of above-men tioned techniquess in different climate zones in China (The method has been spreaded over 7 million hectares in China); Estimating forestland, including area of fragments woodland and index of forest network etc. Through careful analysis of precision against costs, it is indicated that remote sensing method can save 1/3 to 1/2 budget in comparison with the traditional method. In recent years, based on the previous study and by using modern statistic measure, new exploration and deeper study were done. These studies have solved some key problems in application of remote sensing in forestry resource inventory, such as calibrating remote sensing image against sampling plots on the ground, decreasing field work, increasing accuracy of stock volume on compartment, fast selecting optimal function, and avoiding factors that are hard to be determined by remote sensing data (such as age group, crown canopy, etc.). Both theor etical and practical applications have confirmed that remote sensing information play a leading role in estimating forest stock volume. These discussed studies have made a good basis for the application of remote sensing in forest inventory, and given strong support for establishing a new system of forest inventory, which use remote sensing technology as primary measure. At the end of this paper, a frame of new system of forest resource inventory is put forward, and suggestion on key problem in the new system is discussed. [ionedtechniquessindifferent
Strategic Study of CAE