茶树(Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Ktze.)是亚热带常绿阔叶灌木,具有喜光、耐荫、喜湿、畏寒的特性,其生长发育与茶园生态环境密切相关,尤其在强光、高温、低湿条件下,对茶芽的生长带来不利的影响,致使夏秋茶低产劣质。为此,近20年来,国内外不少学者广泛地开展了间作茶园生态效应及效益的研究,认为适度遮荫(即种植遮荫树)能明显地提高茶叶产量和绿茶品质。但是,对间作茶园的生态条件与茶树主要生理活动(诸如光合、呼吸、蒸腾作用等)的关系报道甚少。为此,我们研究了茶园间作对茶树主要生理活动的影响,并与单作茶园比较,以揭示生态生理特性,从而为建立茶园复合生态系统提供一定的理论依据和具体措施。
The diurnal variations in the rates of net photosynthesis and respiration of Camellia sinensis grown under different environmental conditions were measured with GH—Ⅱ analyser. The results revealed that the diurnal variation in Pn in the intercropping system on sunny days in spring and summer was in the shape of an monopeak curve pattern and the maximum value was 10.44mg CO_2·dm^(-2)·h^(-1). However, in the control (monocultural tea system) Pn showed a bipeak pattern and the maximum value was 8.36mgCO_2·dm^(-2)h^(-1). The daily average of Pn was 7.35mgCO_2·dm^(-2)·h^(-1) from April to July, which was 8.4% greater than that in the control. Light intensity was the most important ecological factor affecting Pn. The light saturation point of Pn was about 40—50 klx under natural condition. The rate of respiration of the leaves of C. sinensis was largely controlled by cemperatue. The temperature coefficient of respiration (Q_(10)) was about 1.5, and the maximum temperature about 32℃. The daily average respiration inteneity was 4.39mgCO_2·dm^(-2)·h^(-1), which was 14.0% less than that in the control.
The daily average of transpiration rate of the leaves of C.sinensis was 4.04 g.g^(-1)(FW), and 23.6% less than that in the control. It was greatly varied with the light intensity and temperature. In the intercropping tea plantation, the chlorophyll b content of the leaves and the ratlo of spongy tissue to palisade tissue were higher. The leaves of the tea trees in intercropping tea plantations are thinner and with less stomata. However, the content of chlorophll (a+b) and SLA were not greatly varied with shade. Therefore, it was demonstrated that Camellia sinensis is a light-demanding plant and has fairly shade-tolerant capacity.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
Camellia sinensis
Ecophysiological characteristics
Intercropping tea plantation