本文报告59例胆道手术后胆总管下段梗阻经T 形管造影所见,并探讨其病因。发现胆总管下段结石梗阻分别为凹面和凸面内多数充盈缺损表现。单纯Oddi 氏括约肌炎性狭窄表现为凸面形,常在远端见到高密度线状影;整个下段狭窄表现为削尖形。Oddi 氏括约肌痉挛缺乏特征性,对此诊断需多加分析,必要时作动态观察或复查,以作出正确的判断。
The radiologic manifestations andpathologic bases of postoperative ob-straction of LPCBD studied by T-tubecholangiogrgphy in 59 cases are repo-rted.The filling defects of convexand concave surfaces represented theobstractions of LPCBD which wereresulted from the single and multiplestones.The convex surface with alinear shadow at the distal end ofthe LPCBD represented the simpleinflammatory stenosis of Oddi's sphi-ncter,and a narrow V shaped shadowsuggested the stenosis of the wholeLPCBD.since the spasm of Oddi's sphincter is lack of characteristicsigns,it is rather hard to make acorrect diagnosis and the reexamina-tion as well as the dynamic observa-tion are considered necessary.
Journal of Clinical Radiology