国际商务英语的出现既是社会发展的必然结果 ,也是英语语言学自身发展的必然趋势。新形势为商务英语的研究和发展提供了土壤和阳光 ,应抓住机遇 ,谋求发展。近 2 0年来 ,国际商务英语在我国高校已从一两门课程发展成了一个自成体系的新学科 ,为迎接加入WTO的挑战奠定了良好的基础。商务英语的教材建设应坚持“以我为主、洋为中用、土洋结合”的原则 ,勇于面对国外书商的“抢滩”。新世纪的商务英语教学应树立“以创新为核心”和“以学生为中心”的全新教学观 ,并提倡“以学习为中心”
The emergence of International Business English (IBE) resulted from both the general development of human society and the development of English linguistics itself. Research on and development of IBE are now enjoying unprecedented favourable conditions and opportunities. In the past 20 years, IBE has evolved from one or two isolated courses into an complete, independent discipline, ready to meet new challenges. It is argued that textbooks of IBE should be developed according to the 'China-based, foreign-aided, and Sino-foreign combined' principle so that they will not lose their competitiveness in the great sea of textbooks from overseas publishers. The teaching of IBE should follow the new pedagogical principles of 'creativity as the core' and 'student- centred' and the 'learning-centred' teaching methodology.
Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)