合并后的高校其发展战略目标是创办综合性、研究型大学。高校的核心职能是民族创新的智力引擎 ,为实现2 1世纪中华民族的复兴 ,合并后高校的中心工作就是创新。当前合并后高校的工作重点是围绕发展战略目标 ,实现在学科建设与重组、机构改革与设置、人才培养与使用。
The strategic goal of development after the merger of colleges into universities is to create comprehensive and research universities. The core function of universities is the engine of intelligence of national innovation, and therefore the main work after the merger is innovation in order to realize the revival of the Chinese nation in the 21st century. At present, based on strategic goal of development, the most important task after the merger is to bring about system innovation in course construction and reestablishment, structure reform and set up, personnal training and employ, scientific research project and market, administrative function and,etc.
Medicine and Philosophy