通过问卷调查 ,文献资料和数理统计等方法 ,对当前我省大学生参与课外体育活动的情况进行调研分析 ,为进一步深化高校体育改革提供依据 .研究表明 ,大部分大学生喜欢或非常喜欢参加课外体育活动 ;活动项目的选择主要以球类为主 ;学业负担过重 ,场地器材短缺等外在客观条件是大学生参加课外体育活动的主要障碍因素 .
The paper deals with the investigation and analysis on th e present state of college students' leisure sports activities with questionnair e investigation,documents,mathematical statistics,so to provide basis for furthe r reform of school sports in Fujian.The results show that most college students like leisure sports activities and that 90% students participated in after-schoo l physical activities more or less but with inadequate time.Their main choice of sports activities is ball game.The lack of sports fields and equipment were the main reasons that stopped students from doing leisure activities.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University