王蒙是一位勇于创新、富于激情的作家 ,在他的许多作品中 ,时常出现一个“抒情主人公”的影子 ,是作家对生活、对人民无比热爱的反映 ,是对理想与现实、感情与理智激烈冲突的诗意思考。王蒙式的激情表现在人物的塑造、运思的独特、语言的扩张等各个方面 ,从而“唱”出了对生活。
As a writer,WANG Meng is a innovator in creating and full of enthusiasm.The images of his emotional leading characters are embodied in many of his works.his works express his ardent love for life and people ,and the poetic thinking of the conflicts between ideals and reality,sense and sensibilities.The enthusiasm of WANG Meng's style is reflected in the characters' molding ,distinctiveness of the exercises of his mind,exaggerated statements,etc.His works convey his sentimental attachment to life and society.
Journal of Xiangfan University