实现以市场导向为主的利率决定体制 ,是包括中国在内的发展中国家金融体制改革的目标。而目前发展中国家金融制度的一个显著特点是国家过度干涉利率的决定 ,因此对政府在利率决定中的作用进行清晰的界定和建立合理的政府退出机制是发展中国家实现利率市场化的关键。本文准备从政府参与利率决定的必要性、发展中国家政府过度干预利率决定的表现与诱因和消除政府过度干预利率决定的条件等三个方面对这一问题进行探讨。
The reform target of the developing countries financial system is to realize that the rate should be mainly decided by the market.But now the fact is that the rate is mainly decided by the government.So it is important know how and what the government should do for the decision of the rate.This paper wants to do something for this question's solution,And for this the paper will be dividend into three part:The first is how the government should do for the rate decision;The second is why the rate of the develping countries is mainly decided by the governments;The third is what the conditions should have if the rate is decided by the market.
East China Economic Management