目的 :探讨黄体酮对输尿管平滑肌电活动和尿流量的影响。方法 :采用在体电活动记录观察家兔实验前后输尿管平滑肌电活动及尿流量的变化。结果 :黄体酮能显著降低家兔输尿管电活动频率 ,并使尿流量增加。结论 :黄体酮对家兔输尿管平滑肌产生一定负性影响 ,但对尿流量却有增加作用。
Purpose:To study the effects of pregesterone on frequency of electrical activity and urine flow in ureteral smooth muscle of rabbits.Methods:By using in vivo electrical activity recording, the effects of pregesterone on the frequency of eletrical activity and urine flow in ureteral smooth muscle of rabbits were studied before and after experiments.Results:The pregesterone can greatly decrease frequency of eletrical activity and increase urine flow.Conclusions:Theresults suggested that pregesterone have negativeeffeets on rabbit smooth muscle of the ureter but increas urine flow. The increasing effect in urine flow helps expelluretral stone.
Journal of Clinical Urology