以玉米为原料 ,玉米秸为辅料 ,糖化酶为糖化剂生产的普通白酒杂醇油含量偏高。入池时按10u/g原料添加酸性蛋白酶能降低杂醇油含量19.1 %~24.7 % ,提高出酒率2个百分点 ,并能改善风味。过量使用酸性蛋白酶反而促使杂醇油含量增加。
The fusel oil contents in liquor produced by maize as raw materials and corn stalk as assistant materials and saccharifying enzyme as saccharifying agents are comparatively high. The following approaches could solve the problems: Addition of acid protease 10 u/g material before pit entry could reduce 19.1 %~24.7 % fusel oil contents, increase 2% liquor yield and improve liquor taste. However, excessive use of acid protease would increase fusel oil contents as well.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology