目的 :介绍一种治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位的改良Dewar手术方法。方法 :采用改良Dewar手术方法治疗Ⅲ度肩锁关节脱位 2 7例。结果 :2 7例 ,经 6个月~ 7年随访 ,肩锁关节畸形纠正 ,肩锁关节功能正常或接近正常。结论 :本手术方法解决了Dewar手术存在的喙突截骨块易碎裂及固定不太稳定的问题 。
Objective: To introduce a new method-modified Dewar's procedure for the grade Ⅲ acromioclavical dislocation. Method: 27 patients were treated by this new method, and following up periods were from 6 months to 7 years. Results: All deformities had been corrected, and the function of acromioclavical joint recovered normally or nearly normal. Conclusion: As compared to Dewar's procedure, the new method can provide rigid fixation, and the bone fragment cutted from coracoid process is not broken. This new procedure can be used successfully for grade Ⅲa cromioclavical dislocation.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine