

JiniSolve:The Primary Architecture and Experiences of a Jini Based Metacomputing Framework
摘要 随着不同种类体系结构高性能计算机系统的不断出现和网络技术的迅猛发展,人们越来越希望能够打破平台和地域的限制,共享分布在广域网上的各种高性能计算机的计算能力。但广域网络分布式计算平台的异构性和资源组织协调的复杂性一直困扰着这方面工作的发展。作者从Java字节码的平台无关性和Jini架构的网络资源运行时动态自组织能力中得到启发,提出了JiniSolve网络异构平台分布式计算架构(一种元计算架构),以克服这两个障碍。JiniSolve架构能够支持所有三种网络分布式计算的模式———远程计算、MobileAgent计算和代码下载计算,其中对MobileAgent计算的支持是以往类似元计算架构所不能做到的。同时,JiniSolve架构又具有运行时动态异步自组织能力,从而使整个系统具有更高的可适应性,可用性,可靠性和易用性。文章将介绍JiniSolve架构的基本体系结构,分析其优点并给出一个实验性的应用举例。 The rapid development of network infrastructures has encouraged the idea of metacomputing.People are now interested in sharing the computational capabilities of previously exclusive high performance computer systems across the network.However,the diffculty in cross platform computing and organization over the vast wide area network has ham-pered such attempts for long time.Enlightened by Java byte codes' ideal feature of platform independence and Jini in-frastructure's high adaptability,Authors hereby propose JiniSolve-a new metacomputing framework.JiniSolve can support all of the three distributed computing paradigms -remote computing,mobile agent computing and code shipping,among which,the support for mobile agent computing is a unique advantage of JiniSolve in comparison to other similar meta-computing frameworks.Moreover,JiniSolve is capable of organizing disseminated computational resources over network asynchronously and autonomously during runtime ,which also enhances the framework's availability,reliability and ease of use.This paper is going to introduce the primary architectures of JiniSolve,its advantages and some initial experimental experiences.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第21期120-124,146,共6页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 元计算 Jini Jin:Solve 体系结构 网络计算 计算机网络 metacomputing,mobile agent ,Jini ,Java
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