提出了一种利用飞行器图像进行目标跟踪的方法 ,建立了飞行器图像跟踪系统。该系统利用一种云台控制算法搜索飞行器的图像 ,通过对飞行器图像的边缘检测、图像中心点提取等处理 ,实现了飞行器图像定位。理论计算和实际应用表明 。
A new imaging method for target tracking is developed in this paper. The physical simulation system is composed of a telescope and optical system, CCD imaging sensors, imaging A/D converters and a computer. To accurately track a maneuver target, the determination method for dealing with the imagingedge and center of an aircraft, and control algorithms for CCD three dimension platform moving are presented. The results of theoretical study and physical simulation show that the new approach can reliably track the target image of a low and high Mach number aircraft.
Flight Dynamics
国家杰出青年基金资助项目 ( 6 992 5 30 6 )