论述了我国铸造覆膜砂的生产及应用情况。简要介绍了我国覆膜砂的发展历程、特点、原材料的选择、混制工艺及分类 ,着重介绍了覆膜砂的制芯 (造型 )工艺 ,特别是热芯盒制芯及壳芯制作工艺 ,覆膜砂生产铸件常见缺陷及解决措施以及覆膜砂的再生与质量控制等。
The paper introduces the production and application status of coating sand casting in our country. In the paper the author presents the features of coating sand, raw material selection, mixing process and categories of coating sand. It covers process of core molding, especially process of core molding for hot chamber die casting and shell mold.
Guangxi Machinery