通过在高分子共混物内部引入不同的第三相界面 ,系统地研究了退火热处理条件下该界面对于共混物梯度相形态形成的影响 .对具有一定初始粒径的共混物体系或初始近似为均相的共混体系 ,在第三相界面的诱导下 ,均能形成梯度相形态 .探讨了诱导界面间距与体系相结构的关系 .结果表明 ,当两个诱导界面间距小于所生成梯度层厚度的两倍时 ,梯度结构趋于交叠 .继续减小诱导界面间距 ,则梯度结构趋于消失 ,诱导界面间共混物中分散相粒子快速长大 ,界面的诱导作用遍布整个样片 ,证实了我们所提出的“高分子共混物中二维条件下界面诱导加速分散相粒子粗化凝聚”
In this paper, the induction effect of the interface between the third phase(such as the substrates, the foreign substances) and polymer blend system on the formation of the gradient morphology in polymer blend was studied. It was found that all the third phases(such as the substrates, the inserted films, the set foreign particles in this case) could lead to the formation of the gradient morphology in PP/\{EVAc\} blends by annealing. In other words, the particle size and the content of the EVAc dispersed phase gradually increased from the bulk to the interface between the third phase and the polymer blend system. When the two PI films were inserted into the blend system, the effect of the distance between the two inserted PI films on the morphology of LDPE/EVAc blend was also investigated. It was found that the interface\|induced gradient structures began to overlap when the distance of the two inserted films was less than two times of the expectant formed thickness of the gradient morphology for the case of the individual PI film inserted. If the distance of the two films was smaller, all the droplets of the dispersed phase fastly grew simultaneously instead of forming the gradient morphology. It should be caused by the mutual interference of the induction effect of the interface between the two PI films and the blend system. This corresponds to the case of the dispersed droplet coarsening process under 2\|dimentional conditions in polymer blend systems. All the results above supported the conclusion we presented in our previous paper, \%i.e.\%, the existence of interface between the third phase and the polymer blend greatly accelerated the coarsening process of the droplets in the polymer blend.
Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :2 96 0 40 0 4)
国家优秀年轻教师基金 [批准号 :教人司 ( 1993) 436号 ]资助