借鉴同行的设计理念 ,探讨住宅的“多室二厅二卫”为近期设计主流模式的需要与可能 ,以求调整现有大众化住宅房型结构组成的布局 ,又适应了人民生活水平提高后的需求 ,使我国城乡住宅建筑不断充实、不断丰富。
Based on the design ideas of fellowtrader,the requirement and possibility of dwellinghouse with'multi room,two halls,two toilet'to be the main design mode in the near future were discussed.It may regulate the distribution composed of popular house structure,and meet the requirement of the people whose living standard increased,resulting in the enrichment and development of Chinese dwellinghouse construction.
The Light & Textile Industries of Fujian