随着社会的发展 ,随着人们新的价值观、社会观的形成 ,教育的内涵已更趋丰富。站在现代社会的视角来审视教育 ,我们认为 ,现代教育肩负着有意识地影响受教育者 ,使之提高素质的重任。本文从课堂教学的角度 ,论述学生综合素质培养 ,教师应以观念更新为先导 ,以培养目标为核心 。
With the development of the society and with the new value forming,the connotation of education has become more abundant.From the angle of modern view ,we think,modern education should affect the trainee actively and improve their quality. In this text,we expound how to enhance the students' comprehensive quality and we also give some advice on how to adapt the new concept as the first step, how to regard the training purpose as the kernel, how to persist in reforming in education as the work emphasis.
Journal of Henan Radio & TV University