营销管理哲学是企业立足之本。经过百年发展 ,营销管理的思想日趋成熟 ,但理清其发展脉络对深入理解并树立正确的营销思想依然具有重要意义。基于这一认识 ,本文按历时态对有过广泛影响的各种营销观念进行归纳总结 ,包括生产导向、产品导向、推销导向、市场导向及其修正与补充、社会导向五个阶段 ,并对社会导向这一思想进行深入的阐述。同时 ,进一步研究它们之间的关系 ,揭示各种营销观念并非孤立的 ,而是相互依存 ,各有其存在的必然性、合理性。企业应根据自身所处的环境条件 ,遵循相应的经营思想。不可割裂各种思想 。
As the foundation of a company′s life, the philosophy of marketing management has been more and more perfect through a hundred years development, but it′s still very meaningful for deeply understanding the philosophy and building up correct company orientation towards the marketplace to make it′s developing clue clear.This article remarks some concepts which have been making widely effect according to the time,including producing concept, product concept, sales concept, marketing concept, societal marketing concept and describe the societal marketing concept deeply, at the same time research their relationship further, and make a conclusion that each idea is not alone, the later concept is a correcting to the fomer and each has it′s necessity and reasonability to exist. So a company should set up it′s philosophy of marketing management based on it environment instead of cutting this relationship off and making different importance.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology